More deck photos, we’re almost there!

Here’s the pile of lumber that we had when we started. Also, the hole. It’s a pretty big hole.


I ripped the “wall” off the tall deck, but still have another to tear down. I’m going to copy our other deck and put up some trellis for some sort of vine to grow up. We’ll see. For now it just looks trashy. 🙂


Craig and his dad worked hard all week to finish framing it out and tying everything together. I supplied nails and dinner.


Roxie, the woman that I work with had a spare miter saw. She sold it to me for $50, so now I have an awesome saw too. My first real power tool!


The decking looks so purdy! Look at that father-son team working so well together.


Boris likes the deck too.



a lot


We have some more work to get done tomorrow. We’ll use up the remaining cedar that we have (we need to get more on Monday), replace the gutter downspout, and countersink (I think!?) the nails so they don’t catch on my toesies.


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